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KC Search

This family content search engine is designed for bloggers that create free family content, for educators, parents, and carers globally.

A marketing picture for the Kiddy Charts custom search engine with text that reads "search 500+ blogs, top content for kids and families, and family content search engine" with a search bar graphic on a tan background.

You can submit your site for inclusion here as a family blogger. If you want the search engine to include as much information as your site as possible, please submit your sitemap to us, and we can use this as a basis for our database creation for your site. This is not required, but it will improve the accuracy of our search results. To do this, you need to register and fill out your details by completing the domain form on your profile page. We have the final decision on who is to be included within the database, and may remove sites if we deem them un-suitable without warning. Contact for more information.

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