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Enjoying the first signs of spring and the new life it brings



Finally, Spring seems to have arrived but, as a neighbour reminded me yesterday, this time last year we had snow!!

The kids and I spent most of the weekend outside. The boys had football and then we gardened and then Grandma took them to the park. Maybe that’s why everyone slept in the next morning.  That is everyone except me!

Sorry I digress….

Spring……I love taking the kids out at this time of year looking for signs of spring and they love it as well.

The blossom just coming out – pink, white or yellow.

The fat buds on the trees …buds that form in the autumn and wait until longer warmer days before opening.

The first haze of green as leaves open.

The birds singing – last week in local woods we heard Green Woodpeckers which sound a bit like they are laughing at you and then saw a Greater Spotted Pecker.

New Beginnings

A few weeks ago my daughter and I saw our smallest resident bird Gold Crest (I did have to look it up). It was tiny and in the words of my daughter so cute.

There are catkins on hazel trees.

Sometimes we see birds collecting bits to make nests.

The bulbs – snow drops, aconites are usually the first in the woods and then we see daffodils on the roadsides and in gardens.

Soon there may be frog / toad spawn in the ponds.  Frog spawn is laid in clumps and toad spawn is in strings.

Ladybirds are becoming to come out of hibernation.

And isn’t it great to be able to discard the coats and jumpers that have been well worn over the winter months?

For me I just love being able to get the washing out on the line to dry, drinking a cup of tea outside and sending the children out to play.  I just hope it lasts now …it did snow on Easter Sunday a few years ago!


What do you love about the Spring?  Does it remind you of happy memories of your childhood.  Please share your thoughts as a comment.


Beckie is a mum to three kids, and works in the Cambridge area as a coach. Feel free to get in contact for a no obligation discussion.

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Monday 14th of April 2014

This has been a terribly cold and snowy winter where I live. Please, bring on the warm weather.

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