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Printable reward charts online: Countdown to lift off

This is a colorful reward chart for kids featuring a pirate theme, with a person in costume, days of the week, behavior goals, and star stickers.

Countdown to KiddyCharts

Well hello to everyone. I have finally made it.

KiddyCharts feels like an awful long time in the making, it’s been years in my head at least. Fed up of not finding the lovely printable reward charts, or potty training charts that I was sure would work for us on the web, I designed my own.

For those of you that follow me on Twitter, you would be forgiven for thinking I was making it all up. But it is true, honest. So here we are; we are finally off the launch pad, but we haven’t yet made it to the moon…

Our website is due to launch soon, so I am opening up the blog.  Mainly because not chatting is impossible for me.  People learn that about me quickly. But where do I start on here?

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

Working mum: sneaky scheduling for our printable reward charts

I’m a mum first, have a part-time job and around both of these I manage KiddyCharts.

I have two kids and one husband; two is enough for me and I only just manage to keep track of them.

My daughter, Little Miss Chatterbox, is six going on forty and my son, Stuntboy, is four, and wants to be a superhero. I need to be one to keep up with him.

I shall share some of my kids exploits with you. Names changed to protect the innocent. Oh, and also because its more fun.  My long-suffering husband, Brad (not really but I suspect that’s the only nickname I shall get away with) works hard so time as a family is precious.

I tweet in strange places and hide the iPad in increasingly ingenious ways to insure that my work doesn’t affect that time together.

I have to admit that I am becoming rather sneaky.

Shared Experiences; from behaviour charts to business

I certainly don’t claim to be an expert in the topics I shall touch on within this blog.  I’ve been in business for a bit, and a mum for a bit less. I read about lots of things and have ideas about a lot of other stuff too, particularly if I have just eaten chocolate.

I  set up KiddyCharts to share my experiences, this blog is an extension of that.  Inspired by my business and my children; I hope to be able to help others with the challenge of being a working parent and perhaps even bring a smile to yours and your kids faces.

I have called this blog “Mummy’s Little Stars” because my children are the driving force behind my business and my life.  They are helping and advising me every step of the way, and in my daughter’s case, whether I want the advice or not.

So forgive my stumblings here in the coming weeks as I get to grips with this blogging lark.  I have picked up fabulous tips from some great friends on Twitter and Facebook, but it’s so much harder when you actually get down to it, isn’t it?

If anyone has any blogging tips, please feel free to comment below – I need all the help I can get!

I think that’s the introductions over; anyone fancy a G&T?

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine! Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time. KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania. Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on. Get in touch TODAY!

Sharing is caring!

Mickey Rooney

Friday 27th of January 2012

Great post Helen and the charts are a wonderful idea, I'm sure they'll do well. FYI, I found you and your blog via Google+. Good move having a G+ page too. Good luck with everything.

Helen Neale

Friday 27th of January 2012

Thanks very much, Mickey. I agree - Google plus v important nowadays particularly after the changes to search. And cheers fopr the good luck. Regards.

Misha - TheBlingBuoy

Wednesday 25th of January 2012

You already seem like a blogging professional... just keep going as you are. And congratulations on the launch!!

Helen Neale

Wednesday 25th of January 2012

That means a lot, Misha. Thx v much - love ur blog too by the way...and the choice of music! :-)

Actually Mummy...

Monday 23rd of January 2012

I honestly thought you had been around ages! Great concept and good that you will have a website soon - I hope it goes well for you. I think the blog looks good! Come and find us on LAB any time you need a chat :))

Multi Layer Mummy

Sunday 22nd of January 2012

we were just saying yesterday that the time is coming for a reward chart for our 18 month old (today) daughter, not because she is naughty of course (ahem, as you would say!). Well done for getting starting in business, I've been there for years & love being my own boss (read bossy!)

Helen Neale

Sunday 22nd of January 2012

And clearly, my kids are never naughty either?!!? Thanks for the encouragement - I am loving being my own boss too...though my daughter seems to think that she's running the business for me sometimes! Can't imagine where she gets that kind of thing from....

Helen Lindop

Sunday 22nd of January 2012

Yay! Well done! Looking forward to lots more :)

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