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How to make ice paints

We have had great fun with our brightly coloured ice paints and our taste safe ice paints are perfect for little ones who put everything in their mouths.


Ice painting is so much fun and a perfect activity for the warmer weather. Get outside and enjoy watching ice paints melt into each other as you glide them across your paper. We have had great fun with our brightly coloured ice paints and our taste safe ice paints are perfect for little ones who put everything in their mouths.

How to make ice paints

You will need:

  • Poster paint
  • Water
  • Ice tray
  • Match sticks
  • Freezer


  1. Mix poster paint with water and pour into an ice tray.
  2. Add match sticks to use as handles
  3. Freeze
  4. Take out of the freezer and get painting

TIP: Put cling film across the top of the ice tray and poke the match sticks through to keep them upright while the ice freezes.

We used red, yellow and gold paint and froze the paints in a star shaped ice tray.

We have had great fun with our brightly coloured ice paints and our taste safe ice paints are perfect for little ones who put everything in their mouths.

We made the most of the sunshine and took our ice paints outside. We used a large roll of paper and had lots of fun painting and watching the paints melt.

What type of ice paints are you going to make first?



I blog over at and I would love you to pop over to see all the crafts, activities, and adventures I get up to with my little monster Harry (3) and his baby sister Daisy (11 months). You can also find me on facebook, pinterest and twitter.

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