Today we are making nature painting using different materials that we have found outside. Instead of using paintbrushes we have used a feather, stick and various different leaves.
This makes for different textures and patterns on the paper and makes the activity more interesting than normal painting! It also means that half the fun is exploring and finding interesting items to use as a paintbrush.
Here’s how we made our painting:
First we went on a walk (or you can see what you can find in your garden) and searched for different materials that we could use. This is great for children’s cognitive skills as they think about what items would work well.
On our walk we found feathers, sticks and leaves but your child might choose flowers, pebbles or pinecones..every child’s materials will be different.
This activity will also change depending on what season you do it in; during spring the artwork may be made using more flowers!
We brought them inside and set up paper and some paint.
Now it’s the child’s turn to use all the materials that they found to paint. They may like to brush the paint on or stamp it on.
Here’s what we created today but yours may look very different!
We hope you enjoyed mixing nature and artwork today!