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Real KiddyCharts #4: How birthday greetings change after you’re a mom

Birthdays, they are funny old things when you are a mom. Birthday wishes to your mom are important, for mom, and for the kids, but somehow when there is more than just you to consider, everything changes.

Wishing a mom Happy Birthday is a different proposition to birthdays for singletons. It usually happens in a rather alternative way than it would have BEFORE the patter of those little tiny feet. Fom card, to cake, and everything else in between, including presents, the whole birthday ritual shebang is all a little bit changed from when you were young, care-free and single (ish).

How have birhtday greetings and beyond changed after having kids - let's discuss it!

There is just something so last minute about birthday greetings when you are a mom, when it is YOUR birthday. It can get moved to the bottom of a very long list. It almost always seems like it’s mom that organises the birthdays in the house too; so when it comes to her own big day, it’s actually a bit difficult to sort it all out….

Yes, that COULD be stereotyping, but is that the case in YOUR house? Who remembers the birthdays in your family, is it mom?

Just to keep the stereotyping going a little further, and because we do like a good picture on here, how about a Real KiddyChart’s take on this? How have birthday greetings changed since becoming a mom?

How have birthday greetings and celebrations changed since you become a mum, or a parent? Come on share with us, we've got our ideas, what are yours?

Go on – you know what we mean, don’t you? The card, the message in it, the present – all of it does seem a bit like things are in a bit of a rush?

What about the presents too, what mom really wants when you are wishing her a Happy Birthday, and gearing up to those celebrations, is a little breathing space, isn’t it?

Before being a mom, the only things that we were likely to crave on our birthdays were:

  • Fun nights out with the man (or woman) of the moment and friends,
  • Falling-down juice, and
  • Limited memory of the mischief we got up to the night before.

It simply isn’t possible to look after an energetic one-three-six-nine-year old with a head that is spinning about like a crazed waltzer. It is even more impossible to imagine the baby-sitting co-ordination required for more than a quick drink.

As for the liklihood of being able to stay awake beyond 11.30pm, let alone get those leg’s a moving into anything more energetic than a mild foot shuffle….forget it.

The energy consumed as a mom is usually taken up by picking up after your kids, running after them because if you don’t they won’t EVER stop, or making sure that you don’t kill or maim them. Though perhaps that last bit is just me…..

Birthdays are still wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but they really won’t ever be the same again, and the way we are given best wishes for the day, and the way we celebrate won’t be changing anytime soon either.

Even when the kids are grown up, we’ll still be there, making sure THEY are OK on our birthday; perhaps having a nice lunch out, and listening to how they are getting on with.

Birthdays change because, when you become a mom, you aren’t the centre of your own world anymore, your kids usually are. You are a lot less selfish about your wishes and your dreams. Birthday greetings and celebrations change to take this into account.

The best birthday wishes for mom are those that include the success of her kids.

My mom turns 80, yes EIGHTY next year; and according to some this is where life begins – as an octogenarian! I am pretty sure that all she really wants for her birthday is to know that her children are happy, healthy and having fun wherever they are. All the better if she can spent time with them on the big day too.

How do YOUR family wish you a happy birthday and celebrate with you? Do let us know. Has is changed from when you didn’t have kids?

Do check out the other Real KiddyCharts we have on the site – we’d love to see what you think of them. We like a bit of a laugh, and that’s the idea here, make mom smile whenever we can! And don’t forget to sign up so you don’t miss a post as well!

This is a post written with our friends at

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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