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Junk modelling: How did that get in the bin (ahem)?

Junk Modelling

Junk Modelling: the majesty of the orange dinosaur….

I was warned by the class teacher about the dinosaur. Reception had been junk modelling and my son’s was HUGE and orange.…parents laughed at me trying to carry it through the playground. I struggled with the dinosaur, PE kits and lunch bags and after school snacks (it was a day we stayed for extra sports).

He was so proud and the dinosaur has sat on the kitchen table taking up most of it for a week.

This has started a junk modelling frenzy; every box, pot, toilet roll holder is required. Reams of sellotape and sticks of glue are being used to transform these items into monsters, tanks, alien guns; you name it, we can make one of those!

The spare shoe boxes I had kept in a fit of organisation to fill and send for deprived children for Operation Christmas Child have been leapt upon. Boxes were collected from our local garden centre until I said:

“Enough, we need to get in the car too.”

We now have a heap of boxes in the lounge as well!

Today, some were covered in leaves we had collected on a wet walk. But the real question is; when can they be recycled? We can’t keep them forever.

I have only just got rid of the big boxes that were boats and cars in the summer holidays.

The timing has to be perfect. Not too soon or after we are half drowned in junk models.

What parent hasn’t recovered a master piece from the recycling their child has suddenly remembered or has seen in that pile and has said something like

Oh how did that get in there?”

Be honest now….

Someone last week gave me an idea to take a photo and pin it up, or keep an album of all that fabulous art work that is created.  It’s on my to do list and the dinosaur in case you are worried, is in the study as the recycling bin is already jam packed!

But having written this I have finally got the camera out. Now you too can appreciate the orange dinosaur.

So come on – be honest; who does the junk modelling thing with their kids? What do you do with the models? Do you bin them? Would you like a monthly photo gallery linky for them – is there already one and we have missed it? Do let us know….

This is our regular Tuesday Tips for Parenting guest post by Beckie Whitehouse from Be Confident Coaching.

Photos courtesy of Microsoft Clipart.

Beckie is a mum to three kids, and works in the Cambridge area as a coach. Feel free to get in contact for a no obligation discussion.

Sharing is caring!


Wednesday 21st of November 2012

So excited to see the dinosaur! We have never tried junk modelling yet but all the walls are now the graffiti area.

Beckie Whitehouse

Wednesday 7th of November 2012

What a great recycler!

Alison Pinney

Wednesday 7th of November 2012

My Josh (aged 8) LOVES!! to make junk models. Unfortunately they are usually so large LOL

We keep them until the end of each half term and then we get rid of them so that he can make some more. I've not actually taken any pics of anything he has made ... how bad is that (!)

He is usually happy for them to go in the recycling bin though or he will take bits off to re-use :-)

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