Well happy January, and a snowy one we are having aren’t we!
I have the pleasure this month of hosting the January Business Mums Carnival from the lovely Helen Lindop at BusinessPlusBaby; we did it back in June on this blog. I loved it so much; I asked to do it again, so here we are – wading through the snow to bring you some great posts from business mums in the UK.
Again, there is no theme for it, pimp a post, and as long as its not overly pimping your business, we will happily include it within the carnival. If there are some tips for the business mums reading the carnival; that would be wonderful. But anything will do.
The posts you send can be written specifically for the carnival, or they can be an old post that you just fancy dusting off and letting lose on the world again. Sometimes carnivals are great ways to revitalise old content.
Please can you email me at info@kiddycharts.com before close on Monday 28th January for publication on Thursday 31st January.
I am really looking forward to seeing what you’ve got for me.