One positive thing: Always look on the bright side of life
Do you ever feel a bit down sometimes, and really just don’t know why? It can be very difficult as a parent to stay positive when you have one of …
Do you ever feel a bit down sometimes, and really just don’t know why? It can be very difficult as a parent to stay positive when you have one of …
Do you spend too long looking at your Smartphone and not your kids? I have had many a lively discussion about using my iPhone, or any Smartphone, when on …
At the end of March, things were a little frantic in the KiddyCharts household, we were preparing to go ski-ing and for some insane reason I decided that this would …
A few months ago, I met the lovely Ellie, and Helen in their home to record a podcast for Scummy Mummies. If you are looking for a great parenting podcast; …
OK so that’s a pretty rubbish title, but I really didn’t know what else to write, or to say. I am going to speak in pictures for a moment… You …
Last week, I stumbled across yet another social network…admittedly one with rather a cool name, Sue. What’s the point of another social media network? Well actually it’s Tsu, but Sue seemed …
This week’s parent blogging all star is Leanne from the aptly named Leannes Blog. Leanne has had a challenging few years and started her blog as the result of a …
That is a question I ask myself all the time… I have asked people who know, I have thought I knew, and I have looked at it with my sonic screw …
If you are anything like me, sometimes politics just all seems too much. The choices seem to become even more blurred , or more extreme, and I find it hard …
Sometimes writing this blog, and running this site has thrown me the odd curveball, and an amazing opportunity lands in my lap. That was what happened a few weeks …