This week’s parent blogging all star is Wendy with the aptly named blog, Wendy’s World. She has 2 boys and loves to write. Find out more about her here:
Your Name:
Blog Name:
What are the sexes and ages of your children?:
I have two boys age 6 and 10 years old.
What got you into parent blogging?:
I didn’t set out with the intention of being a parent blogger as such. I’ve always loved writing, and wanted somewhere I could write frequently and express my thoughts, opinions and experiences. As a bonus when I started, a whole blogging community I was previously unaware of opened itself up to me!
What is your top parenting tip to share with our readers? Can be on any topic for little ones :-) (under 8s):
I think the best tip I can give is to trust your own instincts, and do what is best for you and your child. So many people will have an opinion on whatever you’re doing, whether it’s how you’re feeding your child, how many times of day you should get out for a walk, how many playgroups you go to etc… if you listened to all the conflicting advice, you’d go batty. :-) As long as you and baby are happy and healthy, have faith in your own abilities to do what is right. Take on board other opinions, of course, but ultimately do what is best for you and your family.
Can you share a parenting advice post with us from your blog too; your favourite one? Why do you like this post? Please include the link for
I think this blog post sums up my previous comment about how parents always have an opinion,
Who’s your favourite parent blogger at the moment and why? Please include a link to their blog home page.:
This is a blog I enjoy reading, as it documents day to day life with young children and all the fun and games that go with it!
Tuesday 4th of March 2014
Such a great idea, will be filling out the form!
Jen aka The Mad House
Tuesday 4th of March 2014
I love finding out about people and new bloggers. Great series
Sunday 2nd of March 2014
I totally agree with friends, family and just general passers by there's always a way that's different to yours. The blogging world is great and once you step into the unknown there's always someone to help.
Sunday 2nd of March 2014
Great idea! I'll look forward to a read over a cup of coffee later!!!
Sarah Bailey
Saturday 1st of March 2014
What a lovely idea, I adore getting to meet new bloggers, there are so many different people out there and I feel blessed to have met them through this great hobby. x