We don’t do this too often on the site, but today, we are going to shamelessly blow our own trumpets!
Sue Atkins, a very well known Parenting Expert particularly in the UK, has awarded KiddyCharts “Sue Recommends” status…
I spotted this lovely tweet last week, and it really did make my week. KiddyCharts has only been up and running with product for just over a month, and to receive a recommendation from Sue is such a short space of time is great. And testament to my most important board members, Chatterbox and Stuntboy, for keeping their mum in line and on track!
But what does this actually mean I hear you ask?
Simple. It does exactly what it says on the tin, we are in Sue’s recommended parenting sites on her parent coaching site. We are in some great company with other wonderful sites mentioned, such as:
- MovingSmart; this is a New Zealand based site with the commendable aim of fostering a child’s natural urge to run about! The site encourages ways in which we can teach children using their desire to move, or tapping into their “move-to-learn” style
- Medikidz; the aim of this site is to help the kids who are diagnosed with medical conditions understand what it happening to them. The site uses five energetic, larger-than-life superheroes on a mission to help young people understand illness and medical concepts. Go to the site and meet Chi, Pump, Skinderella, Axon and Gastro!
- Raising CEO Kids; designed to help you raise “smart, savvy, successful, young entrepreneurs who thrive in business and in all ares of their life.”
So pop along to Sue’s site and check out these and some of the other websites to see what company we are keeping now….
Give us a pat on the back below, we think we deserve it!