(We were gifted the food processor to use for this recipe) It is Easter. My daughter is baking, which can mean only one thing – there is a chocolate cake in the making! And most likely icing sugar all over the kitchen…. 😂

This is a really simple recipe adapted from The Kids Only Cookbook. The full review of this book is available here, but this is a great recipe resource for the kids. We got it in 2013 and are STILL using it regularly with them. This particular recipe, our simple Easter chocolate cake is perfect for the kids to make, as you can see. Even easier if you are lucky enough to own a VonShef mixer as well. Our stand mixer made the process of cooking so much easier for her. She is 13 and LOVES to bake, and having the right tools for the job can make so much difference.
Cuts back on the shouting and clearing up after they have been in the kitchen… 😉

Why don’t you have a bash at it too? Here are the details…
Really simple Easter chocolate cake the kids can make
This is a gorgeous simple Easter chocolate cake with a little icing twist that the kids will find fun and really simple to make.
For the cake:
- 2 20in round cake tins
- 180 ml milk
- 3 eggs (Medium are best)
- 225 g self-raising flour
- 90 g cocoa powder (We used Bournville, which we think works brilliantly with baking.)
- 275 g caster sugar
- 180 ml vegetable oil (You will also need a little bit more for brushing the tin.)
- 2 tsp baking powder
For the icing touches:
- 300 g butter (You need double the icing sugar for the butter you have.)
- 600 g icing sugar (This should make enough for 12 cupcakes and to decorate the top, including the details. But adjust up and down as you need to.)
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder (Adjust to your needs.)
- food colurings
- Piping bags and nozzles
For the cake:
Get the oven ready, by heating it up to 180C, or gas mark 4
Line your baking tins. The easiest way of doing this is drawing around the tin after popping it on the baking sheets. You can then cut out the right shape for whatever tins you have.
Use a pastry brush to coat the tins with a little of the vegetable oil. Put the circle you just cut out of the baking sheet into the tin.
Now – for the EASY bit. Just put ALL the ingredients into the mixer, and beat them together! If you don’t have a mixer, just add them all to a bowl and mix them all up. Hard!
Keep beating/whisking until the batter or the cake looks really, really smooth.
Divide the mixture you now have between the two tins. Make sure the tops of the cake are nice and smooth by using a spatula to level them out.
Put the cakes into the oven, and cook for 25mins once the temperature of the oven has reached 180C.
Remove them from the oven when they are ready. Test them – stick them with a skewer and if it comes out clean – you are done!
Leave the cakes to cool on a wire rack.
For the icing:
Set aside some of the butter cream mixture to keep which you will then colour for the Easter decorations.
Use the remaining to make a batch of chocolate butter cream icing using your mixer; add the icing sugar (sieved) and the butter and cream them together.
Once this is made – top your cake
With the mixture set aside; make some different coloured butter cream icing by creaming the mixture together (ratio of half the butter to the icing sugar). Add different colouring and pop into different piping bags, and then HAVE LOTS OF FUN with your decorating.
Thanks very much to Sue Quinn, the author of the book we used for adapting this recipe. A great chocolate cake that is just right for kids.
For the Easter butter icing – this covers 6 cupcakes, so should be enough for the details, but do adjust as you see fit.
I am SURE you will agree this is a really easy cake to make, and looks fabulous with a little bit of Easter icing on it too!

Thanks for stopping by to check out this simple Easter chocolate cake – why don’t you take a look at some of our other recipes while you are here?
- Easter cupcakes, which are really easy to make too,
- Another Easter chocolate cake, this time with a little surprise inside it, and
- Finally a fabulous chocolate fondant Easter recipe as well.
We do have a load of other Easter activities – do take a look at these too if you have time.
If you are still interested in other ideas for Easter – what about:
- Picklebums easiest ever Easter cookies,
- As Easter snack mix from Crystal and Comp, and
- Gorgeous Easter nests from Mum in the Madhouse.
Cheers for coming to see us and we hope you come back again soon.
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