Hello there all. We wanted to let you all know about the fantastic recipe site and app; Yummly.
We are hoping to have our recipes collated on the Yummly site, and thought we would give you all a little taster too *pardon the pun*:
The great thing about this site is that is shows you recipes based on your own personal preferences, and allows you to explore them at the touch of a button. You can also “Yum” each of the so that you can save them for later, perhaps when you have all the ingredients ready to cook up a storm!
Because the site is geared towards showing you just what you want to cook, they also have a seasonal recipes section which allows you to explore some of the more relevant, and tantilizing of dishes specifically chosen for their suitability for that time of year. Perhaps you are after a winter warmer, or something for the barbecue because its that time of year again? If you are, then browsing the site through this menu item, will get you just what you want.
Another great feature, is the weeknight dinners section. As a busy working mum, I find it increasingly difficult to find healthy, and easy meals for the kids and/or the other half during the week. I really want something that offers a bit of pizazz, but without the need to spend three days in the kitchen!
These meals are just that; simple, elegant, and above all, very quick to do! Perfect for a working mum on the go.
If you do have a little bit more time, you can “teach’ the site (and the app on iOS, Android and Windows) what you like, and it has a dedicated section, where the site pulls out the recipes that fit the selections you have made previously. If you are partial to a little Chinese, and Italian – that is just what you expect to see.
Why not pop along and take a look; I can guarantee your time with Yummly will be Yummy!