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How to make a clay house #31daysofactivities

We LOVE clay, and it is such a wonderful material for kids to use. In our 31 days of activities event, Romanian Mum is sharing with us how to make a clay house with the kids.

How to make a clay house

The pandemic has affected our life for a bit over a year now. Too much time spent indoors made us and the kids more inclined to boredom, weight gain and irritability. We love to spend time together, but when it’s 24 hours every single day something has to change right?

We read lots of books, played cards, shopping games, we drew and painted, played hide and seek in the house and in the garden, we made houses out of cardboard and little pieces of wood and paint and learned how to create new and exciting crafts and products together,

Creating houses was the most exciting project for the girls though, and today we would like to show you the smallest one we made.

How to make a clay house and with what materials

How to make a clay house

Before you get started, but will need to grab a few supplies…it’s best to have them all on hand before you start.


  • White modelling clay (alternatively you can choose colored one if you don’t want to be bothered with the painting too
  • Twigs and dry leaves
  • Ice cream stick – the wider ones
  • Scissors
  • A4 Cardboard
  • Glue
  • Paint(not a must)


  1. Decide how big and what shape you would like your house to be – we chose a rustic kind of house.
  2. Model your house – square , rectangle – do not forget to put a door and a couple of windows too.
  3. Put it on your piece of cardboard and let it dry for at least 24 hours
  4. If it didn’t properly stick on the cardboard already use some glue to stick it.
  5. Once it is dry you can either leave it white or colour it the colour you want. (brown)
  6. Break(if necessary) and glue the ice cream sticks on the top of the house to create a roof. Paint these if you wish with the color you want. (yellow)
  7. Paint the cardboard around the house to give it a soil impression using a combination of brown and green paint. Let it dry.
  8. Cut , break the leaves and twigs in smaller pieces.
  9. Stick the leaves and the twigs on the cardboard with glue.
DIY clay house

Ta-Da! Your house is ready!

What shape did you choose for your house and what colors are you going to paint them in?

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There are many more ways to keep the kids entertained, and we have a lot of ideas for you on the site. Here are some you’ll enjoy.

Creative activities for kids

Here are some more ideas for kids form the site that include an element of creativity and art within them; from more colouring ideas to arts and crafts.

Why not encourage the kids to partake in some kindness activities too? Here are some ideas from around the web.

Kindness activities from the internet

More ideas to inspire kindness and positivity in your children

We hope you come back for tomorrow’s activity,


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Otilia is the lady behind the Romanian Mum Blog mum to two beautiful bilingual girls, social media consultant for new businesses, website editor and newly owner of a brand new business Bee Funky Printing.

Pop over to her socials too:

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