We ARE a kids site primarily, but we do have activities, and ideas for parents and adults if they fit in with family life. We feel that there is a certain amount of stress that parents are always under, and it is incredibly hard to carve out a little time for ourselves. Mindfulness for parents and adults, is just as important as is helping children to understand the concept of mindfulness. With this in mind, we have created a 31 day adult colouring pages mindfulness challenge for adults focused entirely on concentrating on colouring for the next 31 days. Either – doing a small piece of one of these each day, or if you have the time of inclination doing one a day for 31 days. Giving yourself a bit of a break and just stop. and. think.

We have chosen these colouring pages because they are a little more intricate, so take more focus and time to concentrate on. They WILL help relieve stress and focus. We also hope that they will bring you joy, and calm too.
- Mindful Mandala colouring for adults from KiddyCharts; this is a simple mandala designed by my 14-year old daughter. It is part of a wider mandala colouring book with 12 designs in. Proceeds to our charity as always.
- Dolphin coloring pages for adults from Red Ted Art; intricate designs within these beautiful, calming sea creatures,
- Whimsical mushroom coloring page from Mom Crafters; who knew that mushroom coloruing could be so relaxing,
- Flamingo coloring pages from Crafts on Sea; pink flamingos – need we say more,
- Hattifant always has some amazing coloring, and this ocean scene is no exception to this,
- Hattifant actually designed our lovely mindful cat coloring pages for kids and adults, so do check these out,
- This is a lovely printable heart earth colouring page from Printable Crush
- Our Hippo adult and kids coloring is simply adorable, and is a freebie from our wild animals colouring book, which is worth checking out of course,
- This is an interesting approach to coloring in relation to the virus; make a non threatening adult coloring sheet about the virus, to take away some of the fear. A good idea from Craft Gossip,
- These love coloring pages from Planes and Balloons are a little bit simpler than some of the other designs, but were so cute we had to include them,
- As an adult, we LOVE a good quote coloring page, and Dairy of a Journal Planner has these lovely ones for adults,
- If you like animal coloring pages for adults, you will love these from Red Ted Art,
- Easy Peasy and Fun always have excellent coloring for kids, and this Doodle heart is perfect for adults too,
- These Chameleon coloring pages from Red Ted Art are gorgeous – Chameleons are such fabulous animals, don’t you think?
- If you are looking for flower adult coloring, then these four designs on KiddyCharts are beautifully intricate for you,
- Mandala coloring pages feature on Diary of a Journal Planner too; so do take a look at these as well as the ones on our site,
- Zentangles are part of lots of adult coloring sheets, and Kids Activities Blog has a few great ones, including this Shark themed one,
- Sticking with a bit of an under the sea theme, why not check out our adults and kids mermaid coloring pages.
- We have another zentangle pattern for you from Kids Activities Blog, this time why not try something a little different with zentangles on a pineapple!
- For some adult coloring based on patterns, check out these pages from Planes and Balloons. These will need a spot of good concentration to be able to complete,
- For more adult coloring from KiddyCharts, do check out the dogs coloring pages that we have, won’t you? One for the kids and one for you too. We have a series of these, just search “adults and kids coloring” on the site for more,
- Red Ted Art has yet more adult coloring for you; with a Woodland theme this time,
- KiddyCharts have some woodland creatures themed adult coloring for you too!
- On an animal theme again, Easy, Peasy and Fun, have these rather wonderful elephants, which are also perfect for the adults out there that like a little coloring,
- If you are more interested in mythical creatures, we’ve got some Unicorn coloring for adults and kids, why not check this out?
- On a similar theme, Mum in the Madhouse, has a Mummy and Me set of coloring, which includes sheets for kids and adults with similar designs. These ones are floral,
- Michelle from The Purple Pumpkin Blog is so talented, and these Ocean Mandalas she has created are gorgeous, and well worth checking out,
- Our cat coloring is very popular, but why not try this excellent adult cat coloring page from Arty, Crafty Kids too?
- We love STEM activities on KiddyCharts, so why not take a look at our Space adult coloring pages?
- Moms and Crafters has actually got some rather different adult coloring for you, Cactuses, and finally
- Take a look at these KiddyCharts adult turtle coloring pages for the last challenge for you. Final day – how do you feel now!?!?
We hope that you like all of these colouring pages, if you want more, then we do have a list of 100+ adult coloring pages on the site too. Not to mention all of the coloring that we have for free generally, including these awesome food colouring sheets. If you aren’t happy with the resources here, who even ARE you?!!? 😉
If you would like to see the printable – check it out here. We’ve set it up so that you can click to each of the resources from it as well. Any questions, do let us know. Also – why not check out the other Daily Challenges we have on the site. We’ve got a few for you now to take a look at.
To download it, just click on the circular image below and IT IS YOURS!

We do hope you like this set of coloring and the daily challenge, and if you do, why not share it with your friends?
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See you soon,