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Win My Daddy is a Monster book to help kids see from other perspectives

We published a little craft activity yesterday covering the Monstrous Me collection, and today, we are giving away the latest book in the series My Daddy is a Monster.

This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

Entrepreneur and critically acclaimed author Natalie Reeves Billing has released her latest children’s book ‘My Daddy is a Monster‘ as part of ‘The Monstrous Me collection’ – a series of books helping children develop a sense of balance, roundedness, and wellbeing.

Earlier this year ‘My Mummy is a Monster’ was launched. The Monstrous Me series is a split perspective book looking at situations from another point of view. Readers can turn the story on its head and look at the very same situations from different angles.

My Daddy is a Monster

This is a very clever way of writing a book – it is based on the ability to “flip” the book. From one side it reads as though Daddy is a monster, BUT from the other it reads as though the kids are!
The same situation is given from bother perspectives…

This provides the kids with a wonderful insight into how exactly the same situation can be read very differently depending on who you are, how you are feeling and what your role is. It is a great way for kids to start understanding empathy from a really early age.

How to win My Daddy is a Monster

We are doing what we always do for our giveaways, and making sure entry is easy for you, so please use the Gleam widget below to enter our competition. Why not visit some of the other giveaways on the site and enter too? We always have some AWESOME ones running….

<< Visit the giveaways on the KiddyCharts site and ENTER TO WIN amazing prizes NOW! >>

To enter in this giveaway, you need to:

  • Follow Natalie Reeves on Twitter, as well as following KiddyCharts too, so you are always up to date with our site,
  • Tweet about the giveaway mentioning Natalie, and KiddyCharts, as well as the giveaway. We have a suggested tweet for you of course,
  • Share the unique url that we provide you; you get extra entries if people enter through your links,
  • Visit the article that offers more info on the book and a free monster activity, and finally
  • Sign up to the KiddyCharts weekly newsletter for more fun activities and articles.

We think you will love this book – so hurry up and enter below; you have until Thursday 29th October at 11.59pm before the giveaway closes!

Win My Daddy is a Monster book: Helping kids to see things from other perspectives

If you want to know about articles as we release them on the site – sign up for our “as it happens” newsletter, and we will send you content from the site as soon as it is published!

Thanks again for the time taken to read this, and we hope to see you on the site again soon. Enjoy the book, and do pop over the The Lollipop Store to check out their other resources too! Lovely little independent shops need as much help as they can get at the moment.

Kind Regards,

Here is a fabulous image for you to use to share this giveaway on Twitter if you want to!

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine! Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time. KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania. Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on. Get in touch TODAY!

Sharing is caring!

Jennifer Rhymer

Monday 26th of October 2020

These look great, I like the designs of the templates and it's an activity we can do together x

Kerry Horsburgh

Wednesday 14th of October 2020

I like that it's an activity away from screens, keeps my son busy! Perfect for Halloween.

Susan Willshee

Wednesday 7th of October 2020

I like the fact that you can download the template and don't have to draw your own. I'd prefer it though if it had tabs to keep each fold together rather than having to glue it, because in my experience, glue and a 4 year old do not mix.


Tuesday 6th of October 2020

This would be a perfect gift for my nephew. He'll be four in November so I'd love to win for him.

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