Today we are share a booklist with you that is written by a wonderful guest author. We are celebrating multicultural books for kids. Books that show diversity for kids, and will help them see themselves as the main protagonists from an early age. We all need to relate to our characters, and these books allow a diverse audience to do that and more.

Vanessa Brown is the author of Lily and the Magic Comb – which is featured below, and has two wonderful daughters that she reads too regularly.
Over to Vanessa for her 10 book choices that show multicultural themes for kids .
I love books and I have come across some amazing books over teh period of being a mother! I have enjoyed reading these specific books with my two girls. Here are my top 10 favourites.
1. Here We Are
This is such a charming book about children learning about the world. It has such a wonderful message and the illustrations are beautiful. There is also so much to learn about how different we are but also about how to look after our environment. Its a wonderful message

2. Look Up
Look Up is such a wonderful cheeky adventure story about a young girl looking up to the stars and following her dreams of being an astronaut. The illustrator Dapo, is such a talent and we had the pleasure of interviewing him on the Woke Kidz Platform.

3. Rubys Worry
I absolutely love this book! Mental health within children books is often seen to be potentially a heavy subject but I adore how this explains anxiety in such an empowering and simple way.

4. Young, gifted and black
It is such a joy and important message to teach our children about all forms of history. This is beautifully illustrated and unique. lt made. My little ones love looking at all the colours and learning about a new interesting thing each day. It is a come back book which gives you more.

5. If I had a Dinosaur…
Everytime I read this to my girls love the part that says – “watch out for the poo poo!” This is such a fun book and it continues to keep giving and giving each time you are reading it. We never get bored of this book ever! It is such a classic in our home.

6. Mixed: A World of Colour
I have two dual heritage daughters and this is an interesting book explaining the concept of dual heritage. Its quite a powerful book in the sense that it explains division and bias but its so whimsical and fun you dance along the subject with ease. My little ones who are learning colours also enjoy the contrast of primary colours.

7. Giraffes Can’t Dance
This book made me cry the first time I read it. It really leaves you feeling so wonderful. I love children books that give something to the child and the parent. A gentle story about listening to your own voice and embracing your uniqueness. This is a timeless piece and has a long span for different ages.

8. Lily and the Magic Comb
I had to be cheeky and mention my debut book Lily and the Magic Comb. This is an inspiring story about a little girl and her magic comb. Her magic comb, which was given to her my her mother, can transport her to anywhere she wants to go in her imagination. It is a book about empowerment and believing in oneself. We are so thrilled that is now available! Check it out today!
9. Zeki Loves Daddy
This is such a sweet lovely book. I love the fact that it has a father on the front which is refreshing and inspiring. The writer Anna Mquin is a legend in the multi-cultural books scene and has been going since the 70’s. All her books stand the test of time.
10. Hidden Figures
What an exceptional story and oh how it is explained in a way that is incredibly adventurous and inspiring. Its often hard to explain segregation and complex concepts in children’s book but this is pact with a balance of ultimately leaving your children feeling inspired and encouraged all the way through. They can reach for the stars whilst learning the truth behind our past.

We hope that you love this guest post from the wonderful Vanessa Brown; who is quite rightly leading the way to stop the idea that fiction including diverse characters is “niche”. It isn’t. It is reflecting society, and should be seen for exactly this – helping our children to see people just like them in the books they read.
We hope that you like this book list, do check out the other book inspired ideas and activities on the site as well. Here are some thoughts on diversity from our site too.
Diversity related articles on KiddyCharts
Inclusive picture books for kids #31DaysOfLearning
Some ideas for picture books encouraging inclusivity and diversity.
12 tips to engage reluctant readers: Baller Boys reading activity
Baller Boys is an excellent example of a book that shows diverse characters, and also helps reluctant readers to connect with books.
Encouraging inclusivity in kids books: Pride activity sheets from Freeda the Frog
Freeda the Frog is a fabulous series - do check it out and do some colouring at the same time too.
If you are looking for other multicultural activities and inspiration, why not visit these as well?
Multicultural activities for kids
Here are ideas and activities for exploring different cultures through crafts and activities.
Exploring World Culture with Arts and Crafts - 6 Crafts to Try
A list of ideas to help explore different cultures across the globe through crafts.
The Rainbow Nation Celebrate Diversity Craft - Multicultural Kid Blogs
A craft celebrating diversity generally...
"Henna Hands:" A Simple Multicultural Craft for Kids
If you are looking for a simple multicultural craft, then these Henna Hands from Kid World Citizen are a great place to start.
We hope that you have enjoyed the book ideas we have shared, as well as the craft ideas too. If you like what you see on on our site, why not subscribe to our newsletter?
We look forward to seeing you on the site again.
Take care,

kim white
Tuesday 12th of January 2021
If I had a Dinosaur would go down a treat in our house as any mention of the word Poo results in fits of giggles.
Tuesday 12th of January 2021
hidden figures i believe so much in being equals x and that is what i teach my children
Karl Borowy
Monday 11th of January 2021
Here we are looks very applicable to the time of looking after planet Earth
Rachael Sexey
Monday 11th of January 2021
Giraffes can't dance is an amazing book
Sally Collingwood
Tuesday 22nd of December 2020
Zeki loves Daddy looks so sweet.