I can’t believe that we are on day 15 of our countdown, which means we only have one more day to go before the wonderful giveaway, and launch day for all those stupendous Moshlings! Our kitchen was being commanded by Casey yesterday, and today we have a little help for the posties, with the rather pelican-like, Freddie.
Their amazing beaks are supposed to be filled with all the moshi mail that needs to be taken around Moshi Land, However, instead they tend to be home to rather odd little creatures called Sebs. The Seb-swaddling guzzlers are always on the lookout for these critters to add to their bulging beaks, so there is never enough room for the post! If you bump into Freddie, and he doesn’t seem to be helping a Seb, then check under his hat, you are bound to find one in there instead ;-)
Personality: Protective, of their sebs of course, boisterous and extremely devoted to their wee critter friends
Habitat: Sometimes they can be found releasing their Sebs into the wild on Clickenham Green, but their real home is on the cliffs on the TakiTaki Islands
Likes: Fish heads and sand sculptures
Dislikes: Ghost pirates and disposable nappies, though I can’t work out why…
So now we only have ONE MORE DAY TO GO and the new sets of moshis are in your shops. Not only that, but we will be giving away a set of them to one lucky winner. Don’t miss out, come have fun with us all over the next couple of days. Who will be after Freddie, will we have another mega moshling for you? :-D