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7 of the best xmas gifts for 7 year old girls

We know, we mentioned the C Word BUT it IS for the first time, and we promise it’ll be worth it. We are giving you a few resources on KiddyCharts focused on Christmas, from activities to advice, and everything else in between. With this in mind, we are making a few suggestions for Xmas gifts for 7-year old girls. Not only that, we are offering you a great resource for buying your gifts too, so you don’t need to waste time in the shops!

<< Check out where to buy these gifting options for our ideas now! >>

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We love a good gift on KiddyCharts, but we don’t love the shopping beforehand, so let’s give you a little break, provide you with some ideas, and then you don’t need to faff about on the high street!

Xmas Gifts for 7-year Old Girls

1. Craft kits

Our daughter LOVES to do arts and crafts, and you cannot go wrong with a craft kit for the girls for Christmas. The beauty of these is that there are a range of price points for you, from making necklaces, to simple origami ideas, right the way up to more complex kits that help your girls to create bath bombs.

Xmas Gifts for Girls

2. Get them outdoors

We KNOW it is colder in the winter months, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot encourage your girls to get outside and explore. In fact, you might very well want to do it a little more, so that you have a little peace and quiet while you watch them in the garden. Why not think about this as a theme for some of your Xmas gifts for 7 year old girls? Scavenger hunts are a great activity for anytime of year. Frisbees, catch n’ bounce balls, and giant bubble sets are great to play with whatever the weather. How about a scratch off outdoor activity bucket list too?

Xmas Gifts

3. Let them build

Construction and building toys are sometimes overlooked for girls, and frankly we don’t think that’s right. Lego, the new magnetic toy sets, and infinity flow rings are perfect for girls imaginations and also their problem solving skills. We also think it’s worth not being drawn down the route of construction toys designed for girls. Try not to conform to the out-dated stereotypes, get your girls some construction toys, and help enable them to develop excellent learning skills.

Gifts for 7-year Old Girls
Infinity Loops: Source and copyright – Wicked Uncle

4. Buy them a puzzler

When we think of puzzles, we typically gravitate to Jigsaws, and there is nothing wrong with thinking about this as a gift for a girl. However, why not take advantage of some of the excellent new puzzle games that are available in the toy market? Again these are perfect for nurturing some of the learning skills for kids, without them even knowing it. Puzzles help kids to compare, contrast and develop their critical thinking skills. Check out options like IQ stars, and Puzzler Pro, both of which the KiddyCharts kids have loved, or maybe even Temple Trap and Labyrinth, which is a traditional wooden game (always a bonus!).

Gifts for 7-year Olds

5. Make learning fun

Learning toys are incredibly sophisticated now, and you really wouldn’t know as a kid that your parents are being sneaky and trying to teach you stuff. From simple binoculars, and bug finding, to the more complex Little Labs toys; you could have a budding scientist on your hands if you pick the right educational toy. Don’t be afraid to think a little left-field here too with your girls. What about a gardening kit or grow your own plants, particularly if they are bug eating ones? Kids are fascinated by the unusual, and there is so much more that nurturing a plant, or garden can teach, alongside the obvious nature inspiration.

If you really think your kids like to get up close and personal, what about a handheld microscope?

6. Make it magic

Magic sets are often overlooked at Christmas for some of the more traditional games, or perhaps for the latest craze. But sometimes the old ones are the best, and Marvin’s Treasured Magic Tricks is a wonderful wooden toy that is a brilliant introduction to magic for the younger girl. Magic is popular in kids’ literature today, think Harry Potter, so why not encourage your kids to put on a magic show for their relatives by buying them the means to entertain you all? If you are after something that is really “girly”, Mizz Magic has a suitably (!) pink set for you, but we’d rather grab the wooden one if we are honest.

Probably best to do these tricks without the fire though – *just saying*

7. Unicorns galore

We don’t do stereotyping, BUT our girl does do Unicorns, so we couldn’t have a list of Xmas gifts for for 7-year old girls without at least making a suggestion that throwing a unicorn-themed gift in there *may* be a good idea. Having said that, your girl could just as well be into football, and there are plenty of options out there for that too, including a Smart Ball and the famous, UKick.

If there is a Unicorn obsessed 7-year old about, boy / girl / grown woman *delete as required*, then there is everything from Unicorn poop, slime, a make your own Unicorn, and even a make your own Unicorn cake. If that isn’t enough for the Unicorn obsessed amongst you – we’ve got LOADS of Unicorn crafts on the site too, from a Unicorn paper plate to Unicorn colouring pages for kids and adults.

We hope that you like these ideas for Xmas gifts for a 7-year old girl – if you have anymore thoughts, do let us know below!

For more Christmassy ideas – do check out some of our other content too:

Christmas ideas for the kids

More ideas for Christmas to make it fun and fabulous for the kids.

Don’t forget to sign up to our weekly newsletter too – so you get more excellent Christmas ideas over the next few weeks. We’ve got loads for you planned.

Take care and see you here again soon – we love having visitors on the site. Bookmark us and come back regularly! Or sign up for our articles as they are released rather than weekly.


Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, website editor and a qualified counsellor with experience of working with both children and adults.She is a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapists, with her own private practise. She also freelances with her local Mind organisation.Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, use those grey cells at the same time, and supplement her counselling income.KiddyCharts has reach of over 680k across socials and the site. The site works with big family brands to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. She is a specialist counsellor for neurodivergent individuals and brings this expertise to her resources and the site. She is also an ADHDer herself.KiddyCharts gives 51%+ profits to charities, focused on supporting mental health and a community in TanzaniaHelen has also worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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Tasha Dewdney

Thursday 15th of October 2020

Some awesome suggestions here, thanks so much!!

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