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Babyproofing your marriage: Remember to spend time together

Last weekend hubby and I were very fortunate to be able to tag a weekend away on to the end of a business trip somewhere slightly warmer and sunnier than here. This got me thinking about babyproofing your marriage. I don’t mean stopping you from having another child; I mean making sure that the kids don’t cause tension in a relationship. This is often about trying to spend time together as a couple without the kids.

However, it’s not that easy! It is only the second time we have been away without the kids where flights are involved and honestly it does make me a little nervous in case we needed to come back.

Babyproofing your marriage

Although that fear can be a challenge to overcome, it is important for parents to spend time together. And yes, I know a weekend away is not always possible.

The organisation required around sorting out 3 children, a dog and leaving the house in a fit state for someone else to use nearly proved too much for me, but it was worth it.

For one weekend, if some of the kid’s activities didn’t happen it is not the end of the world.

It’s a good example to set the children too – we can’t be there all the time, even when we are at home and that parents need time together.

Added to that, I believe you come back a better parent refreshed and re-energised.

What should you do?

I’m not sure it matters exactly what you do – go out for a meal, a drink, a walk or even a drive. Just a bit of time to reconnect to your partner away from emails, ironing and all those other distractions.

A friend put it quite nicely once

“To remember why you got together in the first place.”

It allows space and uninterrupted time, perhaps a little distance and perspective to talk things over and just enjoy one another’s company.

I know there are some who feel they really can’t leave their children, but if you can ask a trusted friend, relative or try and organise some respite care even for a short time, it can give you a break that you, your partner and even your children may well benefit from.

Have you managed to have some time together as a couple to help with babyproofing your marriage – let us know, all secrets much appreciated!

This is our regular Tuesday Tips for Parenting guest post by Beckie Whitehouse from Be Confident Coaching.

If you enjoyed this post then check these out, from KiddyCharts and beyond:

Some excellent ideas on the site to help with relationships when you have kids; both on and off site.

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Beckie is a mum to three kids, and works in the Cambridge area as a coach.Feel free to get in contact for a no obligation discussion.

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Tuesday 6th of December 2016

I think that it's really important to try and grab time together as a couple when you can.


Thursday 6th of December 2012

I agree that it's really important to try and grab time together as a couple when you can. We had a weekend away for our anniversary a few months ago and it was AMAZING!

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