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The other day, I had some me time…

A trip to IKEA as me-time for mum!

A trip to IKEA as me-time for mum!

This is our regular guest post by Beckie Whitehouse from Be Confident Coaching.

It was lovely, but not quite as self-indulgent as it sounds. A friend and I went to IKEA! So having done a load of washing and walked the dog we set off at 8 am on a Saturday morning.

The kids’ rooms have been driving me mad for a while.  The oldest has a desk in his room (usually covered in Beano annuals and books) and the creative one has been requesting one for ages.  She also has no wardrobe and her clothes are simply overflowing from a small chest of drawers. We were also checking out beds, book shelves and toy storage, we had both found it difficult to gauge whether furniture is really suitable or not from the website.

Anyway – at one point my friend turned to me and said:

‘You’re doing some Christmas shopping aren’t you?’

And I had to admit, I was…not a lot, but I saw a couple of things for the kids and you cannot go wrong with an IKEA huge packet of red napkins and they are simply a bargain.

I am always teased for it, but I mentioned a few weeks ago if you see something and don’t get it, you won’t find it again. It may also be due to having two babies both due late Nov and early Dec so those years I was all wrapped and ready to go by the third week in Nov. And that turned out to be a good thing.

We found the things we wanted, and heaved books shelves and chest of drawer boxes off the right shelves, loaded them into to the car without hurting our backs and were home again by early afternoon.

A very satisfying trip although it did feel at times quite like a work out…flat packs can be really heavy. It will be even better when the assembled desk has made its way upstairs from the dining room and she has cleared a space for it although I will back checking everything has not been squashed at the bottom of the bed!!

And I am sure I am better Mum for my bit of me time as the bedroom will be tidier without the felt tips all over the desk – so I will be less stressed; a good result for everyone!

Beckie is a mum to three kids, and works in the Cambridge area as a coach. Feel free to get in contact for a no obligation discussion.

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