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When to start potty training: Give them time

When to start potty training: Give them a bit of time and when they are ready it'll be easier...honest!

When to start potty training: Give them a bit of time and when they are ready it’ll be easier…honest!

The other day I was lying in bed, thinking about stuff, and what on earth I should do for a blog post after the holiday period…and then inspiration struck…a poem, that’s a new and interesting way to start the year…but a poem on what?

Well, as its me, and I like to be different, I have written one on potty training because well our potty training charts are legendary after all!

Never let it be said I don’t push the envelope…even if its an envelope that smells slightly of wee, and that other thing mentioned below every now and then…


Give them time, by Helen Neale; mum of two and usually not known for having patience with kids….

When my mum was young it was common too
Pop kids on the potty after meals to poo
It often meant that children could use
The toilet early for doing number twos.

But was this trained or more like timed?
As they were being lifted and so were primed
To use the loo by mum and dad,
Rather than knowing the feeling that they had?

You see, by the time my kids had learnt to wee,
They were both pretty much turned three,
They loved their wonderful grown up knickers,
The praise, the reward charts, and even the stickers.

I know it’s hard, but it’s worth the wait,
Try not to be pressured by that well-meaning mate,
It’s really tough, don’t we all hate the nappy
But soggy clothes and soiled sofas won’t make us happy

So leave it until its their choice to do it
Otherwise I guarantee you’ll roo it
Give them time, its not really a race,
It’s so much better done at their own pace.

Patience, as we know, is a distinct virtue,
And it’s a dam sight better than being covered in poo!

What do you think? Is there a potty laureate in me bursting to get out? Probably not… but do let me know below! And more importantly, what advice do you have about when to start potty training; early or leave it until they decide?

Image above courtesy of

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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Tuesday 29th of April 2014

Thank you for this poem. My little boy is 2 next month and started becoming aware of a number 2 in his nappy and may tell you "poo" He may also mean Winnie The :) I will be taking my time with my little boy and order one of your charts when he's ready to start :)


Wednesday 30th of April 2014

Thanks so much for your comment - and I am sure you will know when he is ready. Will love having you back when it is time :-D


Tuesday 4th of June 2013

Brilliant poem Helen.Mine were all different in the way I trained them but time, patience and praise were the key things.


Wednesday 5th of June 2013

Thanks, Aly - patience is sooooo important in all things parent, eh!!?

Jake and Jill

Monday 8th of April 2013

I was looking for some wisdom on potty training, and there I have it! Not quite sure how sane you are, as poos and wees don't generally inspire poetry in me! But the general sentiments I do share with you!


Monday 8th of April 2013

Sane me - never - gibber gibber ;-) I love writing poetry actually, and am wondering whether I should do more for the blog, its findin the time that's the problem. As for whether waiting works, it did with mine, and with other friend's too! :-) Good luck.


Saturday 12th of January 2013

i LOVE the poem. My little boy was potty trained at 2 and 3 months,,,he was pretty easy all in all, although he did save his poo's up for naptime when he had a nappy on for a long time. Little girl number 1 was a different story we potty trained her a bit later and even at 4 she is quite unreliable..i often hear a panicked should of 'MUMMY' when she leaves it too late. Little girl number 2, I am sure is ready. She make us change her nappy as soon as she does anything in it, but so far has refused to used the potty or toilet. I think I just need to go for it...wish me luck. x


Saturday 12th of January 2013

shout not 'should' :-)

Kate Buckley

Thursday 10th of January 2013

How talented are you! Love that you managed to write a poem and the message of taking your time could be applied to many, many other milestones :)

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