We love a good game at Christmas, so we have come up with 10 Christmas party games for kids and beyond to get the party started!
Some of these are with the printables that we have on the site, and there are other ideas that you can use too. We love a printable board game, for example, as well as some of our favourite board games. Tried and tested by us that work well with the family.

If you have any other ideas for party games to play at Christmas, do let us know too, we are always open to new ideas.
1. Christmas murder mystery game
Who doesn’t love a bit of a mystery to solve? We certainly do in our house, so this is a great game to play with the family at Christmas. Get those creative juices flowing, and actually entertain the teens as well, as most of these games work with older kids too. And we all know how hard to please they can be at Christmas, right?
2. Christmas board game: Help Santa deliver
This is a printable board game that you will love to play with the whole family – and it is totally free! Help Santa around the board delivering all the presents, but be careful you don’t get stuck
3. Turkey activities: The Lost Turkey game
We know that Christmas isn’t complete without the Turkey – so we’ve found a board game that you can play with a turkey in it at Christmas! Who will be the first to save the Christmas Turkey?

4. Roll-a-Santa Christmas game
There is nothing better than the CLASSIC roll-a games, and we have a Roll-a-Santa game that’s perfect for you at Christmas. We’ve actually got a whole set of Christmas Dice games that you will love to play with the kids. Check out the Reindeer, Angel, Gingerbread, and Snowman versions too!

5. Christmas music bingo
Bingo games are one of our favourite things on KiddyCharts, but at Christmas it is important to bring something a little different to parties if you can. So we have included, not just any Bingo game, with a fabulous musical one to help the party get more into the Christmas Spirit!
6. Christmas indoor scavenger hunt plus a Christmas lights game
There is nothing that gets a party started more than a bit of a scavenger hunt, so we have an indoor one for you, as we know that the nights are a little dark and cold at Christmas time. Print these cards out and hide them about the house. Give prizes for even more fun. You can even give out the Christmas Lights scavenger hunt too, so that people can carry on the fun when they leave! Alongside this, why not print our Christmas scavenger hunt clue cards too.
7. Christmas tic tac toe
Sometimes a simple little game is a great way to have fun at a party. So why not print out this Christmas Tic Tac Toe game as a bit of an ice-breaker for everyone, young and old?

8. Pin the reindeer nose
The party isn’t complete without a pin-the-nose kind of a game, but pinning onto the donkey isn’t really suitable at Christmas, but somehow a reindeer seems more suitable for Christmas don’t you think?
9. Christmas time charades
Another classic party game is charades, so we have to include this in our list as well. Here is a printable charades game for your Christmas party, and if you are doing one at the end of the year, we have a New Year charades game for the to download as well.
10. Christmas Scattegories
Last and definitely not least, we have scattegories for you. We have our own Christmas scattegories game that you can print for free, alongside the board game that we love playing the most as a family at Christmas, the original Scattegories game:
We do also have our best 10 board games for families too for you to check out if you need more Christmas part games ideas. you can also make your own board game as well.
We’ve also got some awesome board games in our shop too!

3D Royal Game of Ur
We made this game ourselves, and it’s a great family fun game to play at Christmas, or indeed anytime of year. Ideal for two players, or teams, it is based on an ancient game played by the Eygptians!
Check it out now, on the our shop site.
Remember, we give 51%+ profits to charity, so everytime you buy you give too. Perfect for Chiristmas as well.
If you are looking for more Christmas printables, do check these out as well:
More Christmas printables we know you'll love
Here are some more amazing printables that we have on KiddyCharts that are focused on Christmas fun!
Free Christmas present gift tags
Gift tags for you to print out and add to your presents whenever you want.
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25 amazing activities for the kids to get stuck in to for Christmas - with a tree theme as well!
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A Christmas tree iSpy game that the children will adore.
Christmas bucket list
What would you like to do this Christmas - we've got LOADS of Christmassy ideas for you to try this year.
Free printable Elf adoption certificate for your Elf on the Shelf
Do you have an Elf - make sure he is REALLY part of the family with this wonderful adoption certificate for him or her!
And these too offsite:
Other Christmas activities on the web for kids
Some other ideas for Christmas activities for kids.
Fine Motor Activity for Kids: Decorate the Felt Christmas Trees
Charming little activity perfect for little hands - decorating a felt Xmas tree.
Christmas STEM Activity for Kids with Magna-Tiles & Jingle Bells
A charming little STEM activity for Christmas. Just excellent for those little hands too.
Nativity Scene Crafts, Activities and Printables for Christmas -
A nice little selection of nativity ideas for Christmas.
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