It cannot of escaped your notice if you have been following our site for a while that mindfulness is an important focus for us, both for children, and to help with parental self care. We have therefore released a new 30 day mindfulness challenge, which you can do, and you can also help your kids with too. This can be done anytime you need to reset things, or keep rolling with it, as most of these activities can be repeated and are actually a really helpful way of keeping in the moment generally.

We have picked 30 activities that help think to think and feel the moment within your day. All of these can be adapted slightly for children too.

Day 1: Be grateful for one thing
Day 2: Set your goal for the day; you might want to use our parent / mom planner for this to help get things sorted in your head
Day 3: Take smaller bites of your meal today
Day 4: Dance to your hearts’ desire
Day 5: Celebrate small successes
Day 6: Notice your conversations more
Day 7: Practise breathing exercises
Day 8: Get off your phone for two hours
Day 9: Watch the sunset
Day 10: Enjoy the fresh morning air
Day 11: Try eating with the opposite hand
Day 12: Give someone a hug (a virtual one if that is needed due to social distancing)
Day 13: Start your day with a body scan
Day 14: Sit in silence and observe your thoughts
Day 15: Stop stressing. Get up and move.
Day 16: Laugh for no good reason
Day 17: Relax and enjoy your favourite tunes
Day 18: Talk to someone you normally wouldn’t
Day 19: Practise 5 minutes breathing meditation
Day 20: Notice how you use your senses today
Day 21: Turn the TV off and talk
Day 22: Feel the food in your mouth
Day 23: Enjoy a good book
Day 24: Write a journal entry about your day
Day 25: Colour outside the lines; try using some of our coloring resources
Day 26: Pay attention to how a shower feels
Day 27: Visualise a day going exactly how you want it
Day 28: Have a meaningful conversation with your family
Day 29: Notice how you react to situations
Day 30: Identify three things you are grateful for.
We have set this out so you can see the days on our calendar as well for you – before you download the resource.

We have done this in our usual bold colours to keep you awake throughout the so days! 😂
Mindfulness is a really useful technique to learn, so it is well worth adapting this for your children too. Perhaps focusing on encouraging them to think about the things around them more. Even just the act of simply connecting with our feelings can be incredibly helpful. We have got some wonderful mindfulness resources on KiddyCharts, so do take a look.
<< To get the 30 day mindfulness challenge – click on the circular graphic here >>

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Thanks so much for coming to see us today; take a look at the other daily challenges on the site, as well as our mindfulness resources:
Mindfulness activity sheets for kids
We have a few activity sheets from Upside Down Books on the site - take a look at these, but search Mindfulness on KiddyCharts, or choose the heading from the Menu above to explore more.
How to help kids understand life better - mindfulness activity
A simple little activity to help children to understand their life and therefore help deal with it just that little bit better.
Complete the mandala mindful activity for kids
Getting our kids to focus and be more mindful by asking them to complete a Mandala and then colouring it in. Such a relaxing and focused activity.
Mindful mantras for kids free printables
Positive thoughts for kids to use to start the day - some mindful mantras for positive thinking.
How to calm kids with a present moment wheel
Using a present moment wheel to help calm children's thoughts and feelings.
If you are looking for more – check these out too.
Mindful activities for kids from other sites
Here are a few more ideas for you about mindful activities that your kids can do today.
50 Mindful Journal Prompts for Teens
Some prompts for the journal that you might now have from Upside Down Books - or just some general journaling ideas for your kids.
Tip To Encourage Mindful Sibling Relationships
Ideas for encouraging mindful sibling relationships - something that we struggle with a little in our perhaps some of you do to?
Inspiring Your Child to Love Themselves
Helping your kids with their self-esteem is a great way to encourage them to be more mindful too. Why not check out this advice to help them?
It has been lovely having you here as always. Thanks for stopping by.