We have a simple little printable for you for free today, this is a 30 day minimalism challenge that is perfect to use as a spring cleaning checklist. It also works well as a checklist for any time of year to help declutter your house.

The idea of this printable is to help you to focus on your home, and creating a less clutter more minimalism approach within in. Tackle one room at a time, and move through your space, decluttering, and removing anything that hasn’t gone value for you; either personally or practically.
It IS difficult to declutter, as we put a lot of attachment onto things throughout our lives, but sometimes we have to be a little harsh with ourselves so we can keep our houses in check.
Decluttering isn’t easy – but we’ve got your back with this free printable!
We have split everything into thirty days, but if you want you can double it and take two days, or even three to do everything, depending on the time that you have to give the challenge.
It really is up to you how to work it out; what works for you, works for the challenge.
What is included within the 30 day minimalism challenge
For your 30 days minimalist challenge, ideal as a spring cleaning challenge, we include:
- Day 1: Declutter closet
- Day 2: Declutter shoes
- Day 3: Declutter work desk; throwing out all un-necessary items
- Day 4: Declutter living room
- Day 5: Discard non-basic undergarments
- Day 6: Declutter your email; leaving other social media platforms
- Day 7: Declutter accessories
- Day 8: Declutter kitchen
- Day 9: Declutter bathroom
- Day 10: Don’t bring your phone to the table at lunch
- Day 11: Create a standard checklist for toiletries and other refillable goods and use that next time you shop
- Day 12: Discard old and unused electronics
- Day 13: Do not upgrade your phone for at least 2 years
- Day 14: Create a morning routine
- Day 15: Exercise
- Day 16: Declutter garage
- Day 17: Declutter your car
- Day 18: Declutter your bag
- Day 19: Cancel un-necessary subscriptions
- Day 20: Unfollow toxic people on social media
- Day 21: Create a budget plan and debt payment system (if you have debts)
- Day 22: Declutter hobby supplies
- Day 23: Declutter all drawers
- Day 24: Declutter bedroom
- Day 25: Screens off at 9pm
- Day 26: Schedule dates and leisure meetings one week at a time
- Day 27: Learn to make 5 or 10 minute healthy meals
- Day 28: Declutter phone
- Day 29: Organise your fridge and / or freezer
- Day 30: Be self aware of procrastination and try to stop all of those un-productive habits
Simple right?!? 🤣
We realise that this is all hard – so having the printable up on your wall, or even the fridge, so you can tick things off as you go along should be a good motivator, don’t you think?

We hope you love this as much as we do for spring cleaning and beyond – to download it, just click on the button below and the PDF is going to be yours:
We do have some more ideas for you around the house, including other checklists, so do take a look at these on the site as well:
Family and household printables
These handy printables for your family and household will help you stay more organised. Check them out!
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Track your food intake and how much you have exercised with this simple yet effective printable tracker.
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This essential checklist helps you keep your family's medicine cabinet by keeping to hand the 25 essential items every parent needs.
There are other ideas off KiddyCharts as well:
More organisational resources from the web
Have a read of these posts that are sure to help you stay more organised in the home.
10 Simple Ways to Keep Your Family Organised
These 10 simple ways to keep your family organised are a great way to start keeping tabs of your household and keeping things organised. Have a read!
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Help your little learners stay on track with this printable student planner.
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If you want to keep your kids artwork organised then this post by Mum in the Mad House´s Jen is for you.
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