It is Friday, and that can mean only one thing – we have another free kindness resource for you. This time we have some lovely free compliment cards for you to give to the kids.

Sometimes it is hard for your kids to feel good about themselves, and hiding these can certainly help their days to take a wonderful positive turn!
Not only are they great to sneak in little places about the house, but are perfect for leaving for others about the house too – with your kids taking the lead on this. Might be a nice little idea for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or just any day that your kids want someone to feel special.
The compliments on the cards are really simple, so younger children should be able to understand them too:
- You rock,
- You always make me smile,
- You really are amazing,
- Don’t stop being you,
- You’re awesome,
- You’re the best,
- We love you,
- Just the best,
- Keep doing what you’re doing, and
- You’re doing great.
There are ten cards altogether, so should be something for everyone here.
We do have a lot of other kindness resources on the site, to help spread a little love at home, school, and pretty much everywhere. A little bit of kindness goes an awfully long way. Why not take a look at:
- Our kindness tree; which you can make with the kids,
- 100 ideas for random acts of kindness, so you can really show the kids what kindness means by encouraging them to share the love every single day,
- Bear hug coupons, to just make someone feel really special,
- Kindness cards, which can be handed out when you have been kind to someone, so they know why you are doing it, and
- Kindness posters for you to put on the wall to keep that encouragement going.
A little bit of kindness costs nothing, and it really does make a massive difference in someone’s life.
We hope you like these compliment cards – to get them just click on the image below.
If you are a fan of these – then why not subscribe to our newsletter, to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the other resources that we have on the site. We share lots of other wonderful printables on our Pinterest too, so pop over there as well to take a look.
If you are after other kindness compliment cards or thank you cards, then take a look at these too:
- Thank you cards from us here on KiddyCharts that work well alongside these notelets,
- Another set of lovely compliment cards from Kindergarten Connection,
- Compliment lunch notes from Lemon Lime Adventures, and
- Some smile it forward compliment cards on the Kids Activities Blog.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and see you soon.