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Free Covid-19 time capsule worksheets

The utterly amazing Long Creations has let me share this with you all directly, as she was struggling with all the visitors to Dropbox and beyond, and the site kept crashing! She has put together a set of amazing worksheets for the current Covid-19 situation; the Covid-19 time capsule.

Do check out the Covid 19 time capsule for adults on our site too. And remember, as a Social Enterprise, most of our revenue goes to charity, so do take a quick look at our small shop in case any other products take your fancy. Some are free, and some for just the price of a coffee, are fun for kids to do.

Click on the above image to download BUT – if you want to see what you are getting, let’s give you a few more details. It IS FREE though, thanks to Long Creations, so don’t worry about having to pay for any of this. We’ve also got another great resource for kids on coronavirus too – a completely free book for kids on coronovirus to help them understand it too.

This should keep the kids busy for a little bit of easter at least?!!? We’d love to see what they have done too – do share their work, or just a picture so we can see in our Facebook Group. We are trying to build a virtual fridge of kids colouring to brighten up our Facebook walls!

There are some simple amazing sheets in here for you all to work through. With some fabulous ideas, and concepts for the kids to think about and then reflect on at a later date.

There are 11 sheets within the workbook:

  • A moment of history – record some of the details occurring now,
  • About me page,
  • How I’m feeling,
  • Something about your community,
  • What are you doing to stay busy at home,
  • Record your handprints,
  • Special occasions while in Lockdown,
  • A letter to yourself,
  • Interview your parents, and finally
  • A letter FROM your parents.

This is a truly amazing worksheet and we cannot thank Long Creations enough for letting us share it with you all.

There are so many different ways that this will benefit your children:

  • Helping them to think and articulate how they are feeling at the moment,
  • Getting them to understand how important this is – that we really are living through history, and actually helping them to record the event,
  • Getting them to think more positively about their time indoors, and
  • Chatting to you about how you feel, as parents, as well as being about to write to each other about what it happening.

The worksheets also give children, and parents the chance to reflect on the wider community as well – and how they are being affected. In many cases, such as in #clapforcarers in the UK, there have been some wonderful and uplifting stories about how community had changed for the better.

Let’s take a sneak peak at the worksheets shall we?

A Place in History

2020 covid 19 time capsule free printable

About me

2020 Covid-19 time capsule all about me free printable

How I’m feeling

2020 Covid-19 time capsule how i'm feeling free printable

My community

2020 Covid-19 time capsule my community free printable

Safe at home

2020 Covid-19 time capsule safe at home free printable

Our handprints

2020 Covid-19 timecapsule handprints free printable

Special occasions

2020 Covid 19 free printables special occassions

Letter to myself

2020 Covid 19 time capsule letter to myself free printable

Interview your parents

Covid 19 time capsule free printable parent interview

Letter from your parents

Covid 10 time capsule free printable letter from your parents

These are just wonderful resources, and we really hope you like them as much as we do, and they keep the kids busy for a few days, or even longer.

<< To download them all together – just click on the circular image below. >>

If you need other ideas, then do check out some of the other printables we have on the site. Ideal if you are kicking your heels at home of course!

Indoor activities

Ideas for the family to do indoors - let's all keep busy!

Thanks for coming – and don’t forget to subscribe to us too.

Cheers for coming!


Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

Sharing is caring!


Tuesday 9th of February 2021

Is it possible to have it say 2021 on the front. Thanks


Wednesday 28th of April 2021

@Helen, I am beginning my first day and first time teaching online tomorrow - we have done so well all year until recently. I used the 2020 version with my class last year and they loved it. I searched for the 2021 version (hoping to find something similar at least) and came across this site - I have no idea how to get a copy of the 2021 version for my students. Are you able to help?


Tuesday 9th of February 2021

That is a very good idea - on it now! Thanks, Caroline.


Tuesday 19th of May 2020

Will there be an adult version of this workbook? Or do you know of an adult version out there somewhere? Meredith


Wednesday 20th of May 2020

Hi there, Meredith - we are getting this on the site by the end of this week we hope. Thanks for popping by!


Monday 18th of May 2020

gracias por esto, tratare que podamos usarlo en la unidad de convivencia de nuestro liceo de Pica en CHile


Wednesday 20th of May 2020

Me alegra que lo hayas encontrado útil. Muchas gracias por visitarnos también. Helen


Saturday 11th of April 2020

Hey there,

Thanks for creating this! It is awesome! Did the Spanish language version ever happen? If not, and I got the translations to you today, would it still be possible to make it and, if so, how fast?

Best, Christine


Saturday 11th of April 2020

Hi there - I didn't make it Long Creations did - but I can pass to her to see what she can do for you? She is in Canada!

Brenda Gutierrez

Tuesday 7th of April 2020

Hi Helen!

This is awesome!

Is this in Spanish so I can share with bilingual students as well?


Tuesday 28th of April 2020

i saw it in french language ...


Wednesday 8th of April 2020

Hi there,

So glad you like it - apologies though, we don't have it in Spanish I am afraid. I might be able to create something if you can send the translations to us? Kind Regards, Helen

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