We all struggle to come up with ideas for what great food to put into our kids lunch box when they go to school don’t we? However, why not make the lunch box a little more exciting by adding a note to them, rather than agonising too much over the food inside them?
These printables, as you can see, are lovely, and would brighten up any lunch box…no matter how tough the school work was proving to be! You never know, it might just help with the fussy eating too – distraction, after all, can work wonders :-D
There are a few different lunch notes ones for you to slip in the lunch boxes without them having a clue what’s in store, including:
- I am so proud of you,
- Thanks for being you,
- You are so very lovely,
- You are super awesome,
- Smile! You are Loved,
- Have a good day! I love you, and
- Hope you day is fun.
There are also a few blank ones for you to add your own messages as well.
If you like these free lunch box ideas, and printables – do nip along to Pinrterest to see the other Printables on the blog as well as others from around the internet too.
Follow Helen Neale – KiddyCharts’s board Printables on Pinterest.
Just to convince you it is worth checking these out – here is another fabulous shot of them – go on, your kids will love them
So without any more subtle persuading pictures – here is a link to the downloads on the TinyMe website. Have fun, and we’ll be back with more great Printables next week.
Thanks to TinyMe for allowing us to share these printables with you.
Saturday 26th of September 2015
Lunch notes are such a good idea. I put them in my sons' when they had their first day. The printables are great making it even more special - good for when they have to go in on their birthday too.