Boy wearing gold mask via Shutterstock
Last week, we gave you some templates for Halloween invites, so how about this week we sort you out with a simple halloween craft to help you get something to wear to whatever you end up doing on Halloween? So as not to disappoint, we have EIGHT, yeas that really was 8, simple halloween masks for you to cut out and add to any of the costumes that you might be putting together for the big day.
Because we know that not all children like to dress up too scary, we have thrown in a few animals as well, just in case your child would rather go as something a little bit tamer than a spooky ghoul or vampire.
The eight halloween masks are (from top left to bottom right, reading left to write in the image below) are:
- Witch (though you might get away with a Zombie here!)
- Vampire
- Werewolf
- Pumpkin
- Spider
- Cat (or perhaps Tiger for those kids that really don’t like too much scariness!)
- Skeleton, and
- Owl.
There really has to be something within all of this at works for you, doesn’t there?
We have put all the masks into one download for you, so that you can pick and choose whichever suits your children the most.
If you are still struggling to find bit and bobs to entertain the kids over Halloween, and love halloween crafts, do check out the Pinterest board we have covering Halloween. We update it regularly, and it has over 500,000 followers:
Follow Helen Neale – KiddyCharts’s board Love Halloween with kids on Pinterest.While you are there, it is worth following me on Pinterest to join my other fans to get free printables, craft ideas and lots of kiddy fun!
Visit Helen Neale – KiddyCharts’s profile on Pinterest.
As we love a good video, we have created one of the masks on the channel, so you can see the masks in action – so why not nip over and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can see the masks for yourself. We take a trip out into the garden this week…
We hope you like these masks, and some of the other halloween crafts and cooking ideas we have on the blog. Let us know, and see you again soon.