Give your kids something fun to do when they’re suffering from boredom with our free alien finger puppets template. It is great fun, but mosting important, is an excellent imaginative play activity for them too. Encouraging them to create their own stories and scene to play with.
You’ll be able to download and print an alien backdrop, rocket coloring page, and free alien finger puppets in a variety of colors when you scroll down below.

Using DIY finger puppets and backdrops to encourage playtime is a fabulous way to help your kids strengthen their creativity, imagination, and fine motor skills. Using our free templates, you’ll download and print each file. Have your kids use kid-safety scissors to cut along the lines and follow the instructions to make their alien finger puppets and alien ship backdrop.
The alien finger puppet backdrop has instructions on how to cut and glue the spaceship together for use as a background when your kids enact their very own alien finger puppet show. For your kids who may not be able to use scissors yet, you can easily print the rocket ship coloring page to keep them occupied while you prepare their free alien finger puppets and backdrop.
Continue reading below to find the free downloads and instructions to make these free alien finger puppets today!
How to Make Alien Finger Puppets
Download the alien finger puppets file along with the rocket ship colouring page and the alien ship backdrop. To download everything – just click on the circular image at the end of this article.

You’ll see “space to cut” and right or left quarter locations noted on the alien ship backdrop. Follow those instructions to cut and glue together the alien ship backdrop.
Next, you’ll print the free alien finger puppets. Each sheet features 6 aliens with 3 spaces open for your kids to design their own finger puppet alien. Print as many pages as you’ll need for each kid to have their own set of alien finger puppets.

Cut out each alien finger puppet on the lines and connect the long strip at the bottom with glue or tape so that it fits around your kids’ fingers.
Once this is complete, you’ll be on your way towards encouraging your kids to put on their very own alien finger puppet show for the whole family to enjoy.
So sit back and enjoy!
We have included a rocket colouring page in this imaginative play activity as well. You can do this as a stndalone activity, or cut out the rocket and use with the aliens. There is also a little rocket in the alien set – the same as the colouring sheet, so your children can play with this too. Lots of opportunity for imagination to go wherever the kids want it to!

To download this full activity set, then just click on the circular image below, and it is yours. Any problems or queries, then do not hesitate to drop us a line.

We have a few more activities and ideas for encouraging imaginative play on the site, so do take a look.
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