We all love to play pretend when we are kids, and we’ve all got an idea of what we like to pretend to do. We’ve worked with restaurants and a grocery store in our shop, but what about something a little different for the kids to do. We’ve got a background in books and libraries, so we thought it would be amazing to have a play pretend library cards idea, alongside a few other things to use for imaginative play in a library activity. Have you ever thought it might be fun to run a library? Well, we think that the kids in your class, or your children might have done too?

What is the library activity like?
We’ve put together a few different elements to the library activity, so that the children can take on the different roles that you might get in the library. From us librarian that looks after the books, and helps show the user to the right section that the book they are looking for us. To the director of the library, and their assistant who might be talking about what books to get for the readers.
We have a few roles within the library to reflect this:
- Reader,
- Custodian,
- Director,
- Assistant, and
- Librarian.
Perhaps before you start you can help the children think a little about what their characters might be doing, or what they might need?
What to think about before the activity?
- What would the director be doing? Where might they sit? How might they behave with the readers or their assistant?
- What might the readers want when they are in the library? How will they be behaving? Are they going to be quiet? Are they going to be loud?
- What will you need if one of the readers wants to take out a book as the librarian?
- Where are you going to put the different sections? Are you going to find books for each section? Or would the children like to imagine them?
- What do YOU like in a book? Maybe you can chat to the readers about what you like to read? Maybe you can talk to them about WHY you like to read and how it makes you feel?
We’ve got lots of different tools for you to help with creating your library with the children, and your kids.
What does the pretend library cards and activity set look like?
There are a total of ten sheets within the library set. They are:
- Cover sheet,
- Collection of pretend library cards, which children can write their names on,
- Set of overdue forms to send to children who are late returning their books,
- Check out logs if this is how you would like to make sure you keep track of what books are in and out of the library, and who has taken them out,
- Sign for the library, so you can let people know if it is open or closed, as well as a library sign to show readers where to go to get their pretend library cards,
- Two pages with names of book sections, as well as two blank ones so you can create your own, and finally
- Roles for you to play within the library, alongside blank name tags for you to use as you would like.
There is plenty for you to get stuck in to, and it’ll be lovely to see what ideas the kids come up with while they take part in the library activity.

Don’t forget to check out the pretend play ideas in the shop: these are available for free when you sign up to our premium site. 90% of the shop is free when you do this in fact!

We have included blank version for some of the ideas for you to add a little of your own creativity to things too:

To download this resource, just click on the button below and it is yours as a PDF for free:
We have other free ideas for play pretend and imaginative play on the site too:
Imaginative play resources on KiddyCharts
Here are a few other imaginative play activity ideas from the site for you to explore. Why not encourage your kids to get creative today?
5 top tips for creating imaginative play spaces
Here are some thoughts on creating imaginative play spaces for kids before we get stuck into the activities.
Finger puppets for pretend play fun (including backdrops): FREE printables
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Free printable uniformed paper dolls activity for kids: Doctors and nurses
Dolls are a wonderful activity for fine motor skills when you make them - but are also excellent to use in imaginative play afterwards too.
Build your own robot free STEM printable
What better way to inspire creativity than with building your own robot?!?
Free alien finger puppets
We've got some more finger puppets for you - this time aliens! Check these out for fun pretend play for the kids.
Or there are some other play pretend ideas off KiddyCharts too:
Imaginative play resources offsite
Ideas for encouraging imaginative play from elsewhere on t'internet.
What is Imaginative Play and How to Encourage it?
Explanation of what exactly imaginative play is, and how to encourage it within your children.
I is for Imaginative Play!
More ideas for imaginative play activities - including some great sensory ideas for babies.
Open Ended Resources for Imaginative Play
Open ended play ideas to encourage your kids' imaginations.
Don’t forget to use our family search engine as well for even MORE ideas.
Do sign up to our newsletter if you would like even more thoughts, ideas and freebies:
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