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Printable certificates for kids: Personalised for your child

We have another amazing idea for you all on KiddyCharts. The ability to create personalised certificates for kids. You can specify their interests, the achievement, their name, and use all that to create a new certificate just for you. A unique idea that includes personalised printable certificate borders that suit your child. Working with a specific theme that works for you.


1. Name

Name of the Recipient.

2. Title

Enter a title for this certificate.

3. Description

Enter a description for this certificate.

4. Theme

Select the overall theme for your chart to suit your child's personality.

5. Background

Select the background for your certificate.

We have a few themes for the award certificates at the moment, some transferred from the popular ones in our reward charts, but we are growing them all for you. The themes are a great way to engage kids who have a hobby or a special interest. Helping them to connect with the certificate in a way that certificates without these themes might not do as effectively.

This image is an advertisement for free customizable children's certificates featuring vibrant colors, playful fonts, beach imagery, trophies, and congratulatory messages.

How to build your personalised certificates

As you can see from the form above there are a few personalised fields that you need to input to create the free printable certificates. We hope that it is relatively self explanatory to do this, but just in case – here are the key items to inout within the certificate maker:

  1. Orientation of the certificate: We have both landscape and portrait designs. Some themes don’t have both – if there is no landscape or portrait design for the theme that you want, then you won’t be able to see the thumbnail example for the background later on in the maker. We don’t have a help center this this as it is a free system. However, drop us a line if you don’t understand this,
  2. Name: This is the child’s name that you would like to create the certificate for, or indeed the adult – this is a system that is for whomever would like the designs!
  3. Title: Here you can add what the certificate is titled, for example a Reading Award, or just a congratulations, e.g. Well Done. It is entirely up to you what works best for the title, and it might depend on the specific certificate that you want to create, or the great work the child / adult has done to get the certificate. We have some ideas below for you too if you need more.
  4. Description: What is the certificate FOR within this, e.g. for the reading certificate it might be excellent reading in circle time, or if you have put Well Done as the title, you can put anything you like here can’t you? That’s the beauty of this design, it makes it totally flexible for you.
  5. Theme: Choice the theme that your children will like the most, whether its your who class that loves dinosaurs, or one child, or young person that’s in to fairies. Check out the themes, and see the background in full color before the certificate it made. You can commemorate all that hard work with these editable awards so that they fit your individual child, adult, class or care setting.

As the pdf file is free – you can have a play with it too, in an unlimited way. That’s the ultimate in a discounted price, I am sure you will agree. So much better than messing about on MS word for hours, right?

​Show me some finished editable certificates now

We appreciate that you might need some ideas and some examples, so here are a few that we have put together for you that we know that you will love. They work for whimsical awards, where you pick what the awards are for. They can be perfect for academic achievements as well – with the ability to write 1st, 2nd, 3rd or anything within the centre of the trophy or rosette that also appears on the rewards.

We have sampled a few different awards from might be suitable for your end of year awards, or those from 1st grade, to 5th grade, and everything else in between. Whatever the school year, we think these are uber-cute ways to celebrate a good job, well done.

They could even work, as we have shown, for physical education on sports day perhaps? Just add in the positions for the races on the certificates and print them there and then! People can then collect your certificates a little bit after the races.

Maybe we need our own certificate for making these for you all? 😂 These certificates can, under our terms of use, be used for free, and this article linked to on social media or your school websites. Do please give us credit if you can though when you do include it elsewhere.

What might you use this certificate maker for

Some ideas that you might want to use these children’s certificate templates for include:

  • Independent work,
  • Reading awards, we do have some pre-made reading awards too of course,
  • Pen License awards, to go alongside the writing award certificates that are also pre-made on the site,
  • Bronze, Silver and Gold awards for anything – check out the templates we have for these too,
  • Certificates for Dad on Father’s Day, 
  • Preschool awards,
  • Middle school / 3rd Grade awards, and even
  • High school awards with a fun twist (!) – note we are going to introduce quieter / simpler and less graphics art backgrounds, so watch this space (April 2024),
  • Digital end of the year awards – kids and adults even,
  • A special project that kids or adults have excelled at, and
  • Handing our special privileges for something before of awesome work.

There are loads of ideas for you here to create your personalised certificates for kids. Whatever you use our templates for – we would love to see your creations and the kids if you can.

Please do share all your good work with us on social media. It is a good thing, well a great thing (!) for us to be able to see the certificates in action. We love seeing your kids smile too.

The image shows two colorful certificates, along with a blue ribbon and a golden trophy, against a pink background with playful accents and sparkles.

It is important that if you are giving our for good behavior that you are specific so that children understand what it is that they are being praised for. And remember to encourage kids alongside the certificates to be proud of themselves so that they are more likely to develop the idea that it is important for them to be pleased, and not everyone else around them.

Autonomy is important so these might not work for all

As a counsellor, one of the key things to learn is that if kids want to do something for themselves, and are given that autonomy, it helps to build resilience, and improves self esteem. They don’t want to do it to please you, but because it’ll help them in the end. The more we give our kids autonomy, the more they will strive and build confidence.

It is, of course, particularly important for neurodivergent children to have autonomy as this can, in some cases, reduce anxiety. These certificates may not be for everyone; for those that they do work for, we hope that they help.

If they don’t work for you, your children, or everyone – that’s OK. We hope that you find them fun. We think they might be helpful and worth a try. If you have time, we’d love to see you on the site again. Why not sign up to our newsletter by giving us your email address below? We’d love a 5-star review of this free tool too. Why not pop one into the comments section so that overs know that we are doing a great job here.

Our other certificate resources

Thanks for coming to see us today. We trust that this is a fun way to celebrate. You can use with your children, your classroom, your young person, or your adult’s achievements. Let us know if you want us to do a specific theme, or another type of worksheet. We are open to suggestions from you all.

While you are onsite – do check out some of the other resources that we have. There are loads of awesome and free charts on the site. We also have a shop that is 90% free if you sign up for our premium site too.

Other certificates for kids on KiddyCharts

We have a few certificates for the kids on the site, as well as some of the parents too. Check them out!

Here are some other certificate for kids ideas off site too:

Other certificates for kids and parents from the internet

More ideas for encouraging kids with certificates from other sites. KiddyCharts think its a great idea to use certificates for kids, and so do LOADS of other people...

We are a social business, so give 51%+ profits to charity. Every view counts, so social media shared mean a lot to us, and our charity partners.

Take care,

The image advertises custom downloadable certificates for kids, featuring editable fields, star graphics, a trophy, and a playful, colorful design.

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, website editor and a qualified counsellor with experience of working with both children and adults.She is a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapists, with her own private practise. She also freelances with her local Mind organisation.Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, use those grey cells at the same time, and supplement her counselling income.KiddyCharts has reach of over 680k across socials and the site. The site works with big family brands to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. She is a specialist counsellor for neurodivergent individuals and brings this expertise to her resources and the site. She is also an ADHDer herself.KiddyCharts gives 51%+ profits to charities, focused on supporting mental health and a community in TanzaniaHelen has also worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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Audrey Naylor

Monday 13th of May 2024

Think their great. I think reading when the children bring home a book to read, and they don't want. and this one might sound daft, but both my great grandchildren have to wear glasses, but take them off when they can, so for me for both Ollie is 6 and Eva, 9 I would love a I love your glasses, they really look super, keep wearing them , or something like that You know what its like at school specky 4 eyes and such the like goes on. The last pair she wore them for a couple of weeks, and then decoded she didn't like them. Now both have got very similar glasses and they look super, but children are children, and can be cruel, my first glasses in 1960s were like Alf Garnetts to round with those wire sides, thank god children don't have them these days. I hated wearing mine, because of it. ( I was in a childrens home, and the housemothers son was so good at telling tales, he should have had an Oscar) I would get a good hiding every time he told on me. going to the dentist would be a good one

cheers Audrey I will put a link or something in the email I send out today, it goes to several people who have children or grandchildren

Audrey Naylor

Monday 13th of May 2024

@Audrey Naylor,

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