Reef 2 is to be released on DvD this week (more on that tomorrow) and because we love a little bit of fishy fun; we have teamed up with the promoters to bring you some fantastic free printables so you can have some fun with the kids.
We have a few different types for you, so that any Reef 2 fans out there will be satisfied properly:
- Dot to Dot
- Maze
- Spot the difference
- Traditional colouring in sheet.
As you can see there is something for every little fan out there.
KiddyCharts have a nice little collection of printables now with out charts now available for free to download on the site. Why not check out our personalised charts for yourself too? You never know, you might even find that you can find a printable to help with a challenging behaviour while the kids are colouring in their pictures!
Reef 2 Colouring printable

Click to Download
Reef 2 maze printable

Click to Download
Reef 2 dot-to-dot printable

Click to Download
Reef 2 spot the difference printable

Click to Download
If you like these printables, why don’t you subscribe to the blog as well so that you will get anything else we have to keep those little ones entertained; or indeed the helpful parenting advice, giveaways an reviews that we post from time to time.
Enjoy :-D
Other posts you might like from the blog include:
- Make your own personalised reward charts
- How to make sticker charts work
- Five top tips on when to start using behaviour charts.