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Ready for school checklist: Never forget stuff again! (ish)

Do you forget things when you are trying to get the kids to school in the moorning? Then you need one of our fantastic checklists then - right now! It's free :-D

As we were back at school after half-term this week in the UK, it reminded me that there is an awful lot to think about everything….single…morning…as a parent, trying to get your children out of the door, without a family crisis occurring. So, why not create a ready for school checklist so we don’t have all that faffing about in the morning…

  • Do you have your P.E kit?
  • Have you got your drumsticks?
  • Did you pack your violin?

There has been many a morning when I have discovered that one of the children has left there water bottle/swimming kit/pencil case *delete as appropriate* at home, typically right by the front door, and we have just fallen out of the car at the school gates.

Well – no more! *ish* We have created a school checklist which can be pinned somewhere prominent at home and checked off as school bags are packed the night before, or probably in the morning before school.

There has been many a morning when I have discovered that one of the children has left there water bottle/swimming kit/pencil case *delete as appropriate* at home, typically right by the front door, and we have just fallen out of the car at the school gates.

Well – no more! *ish* We have created a school checklist which can be pinned somewhere prominent at home and checked off as school bags are packed the night before, or probably in the morning before school.

Alternatively, you can use the checklist as a permenant reminder, without ticking the items off at all, to make sure that whatever you need on that day is packed and ready to go; instead of being left in the washing machine, or sitting on your child’s bedroom floor in a heap still waiting to be washed.

As we aren’t entirely sure what everyone needs every single morning for school – no we aren’t psychic – we have even given you a couple of spaces within the checklist to add your own items. In addition, we have somewhere for you to add names, just in case you need a few of these as you have more than one bundle of joy to get out of the door to school of a morning.

Thanks for watching, and for reading – see you again soon. If you would like us to create anything for you, do drop us a line as well, we are always looking for fresh ideas for our free resources.

Download your scholol checklist here - go on - it is free :-D

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine! Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time. KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania. Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on. Get in touch TODAY!

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