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Star breathing exercise: My time at school

We love sharing resources that can help you and your kids. From sharing printables with you and teaching resources we know that sometimes you need tools to help you. Because of that reason we have been focusing on kids’ mental health with our star breathing exercise for kids mental health series. We have partnered up with Leanne Brown, author of the book Daniel’s Dreams that discusses kids mental health. Do check out her website as well – she’s got loads of wonderful resources on the site as well as her fabulous book. Why not get the full digital resource pack too (£9.50)!

Breathing Exercise for Kids Mental Health Series

Today’s post in the series discusses school and the anxiety that can kids can encounter there. From the sounds, the different teachers, the new friends, the new routines, school can be challenging for kids. Particularly in the times we are currently in, returning to school can be something which can cause great anxiety and worry. Do sign up to stay in touch on the resources:

When kids take a break from school, whether it is due to something like a pandemic as they have experienced recently, or even after school holidays, they can experience anxiety and worry. Children are resilient, and they quickly adjust to their lives back at school, but what better way to help them through this uncomfortable process than with this activity.

We recommend this activity and the others in the series, as they can help start the conversation about any worries that your child might have. Starting with what worries them about school, but then further developing onto conversations about what worries them elsewhere. Once those conversations have occurred, it is then a great activity to teach children about breathing techniques and keeping them calm.

Take a look at the breathing exercise printable sheet below.

My time at school

Breathing Exercise

Children can use their fingers to follow the star breathing exercise, going up a point of the star they take a deep breath in and then going down the point of the star, they breath out. They repeat this until they have completed the star. This can be repeated as many times as each child needs to keep them calm and regulate their breathing.

We know this can help kids learn to relax so do download yours today.

<< Download the sheet by clicking through the circular image below >>

Breathing Exercise for Kids

Before you go, sign up to our newsletter to get our weekly posts as well as the posts in this series straight to your inbox.

We love sharing resources that are there to he

Mindfulness activity sheets for kids

We have a few activity sheets from Upside Down Books on the site - take a look at these, but search Mindfulness on KiddyCharts, or choose the heading from the Menu above to explore more.

Here are more mindfulness activities from the web, too.

Mindful activities for kids from other sites

Here are a few more ideas for you about mindful activities that your kids can do today.

Thanks for stopping by,

Breathing Exercise for children

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Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine! Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time. KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania. Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on. Get in touch TODAY!

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