Working out what chores kids are can do and by what age is a bit of a minefield. So……we are coming to the rescue. Don’t we always? Joanna Fortune’s book, looking at 15-minute fast parenting tips for 0-7 year olds, covers this, and we have permission to chat about it directly with YOU!

We have created a printable for you as well; just so it is a little easier to understand.
Why chores are important for kids?
What is the actual POINT to chores for kids though? Why are chores important is a pretty interesting question. Most parents would agree, whether they are a parent of toddlers or teens, that getting kids to do chores can actually be far more painful than doing the chore yourself. Do why bother persisting in it?
To put in simply, doing chores, even from the age of 2-3 years old teaches:
- Independence and self-reliance, alongside
- Responsibility.
It also creates confidence and resilience in our children. If they get things a bit wrong when they first start out doing those chores, and then they learn, and adapt, they are building lost of really important skills for independent living beyond the family home.
Consider a university student who has already learnt to cook for the family, vs one that has only even done baked beans; the one with experience is much more likely to be confident in their independent life than the one thrown in at the deep end without any preparation. We can prepare for our lives as an adult from an early age with those chores.
Chores for 2 – 3 years old:
- Carry their own nappies to the bin and throw them out
- Pick up their own toys and put them into a toy box.
Chores for 4 – 5 years old:
- Put away their toys
- Help tidy their bedroom
- Wipe down the outside of the bin with a damp cloth
- Put cutlery into the cutlery drawer
- Carry laundry to the laundry basket
- Put their pyjamas under their pillow after they are dressed.
Chores for 6 – 7 years old:
All of the above and…
- Fold towels
- Carry clean laundry to their bedroom and put it away
neatly - Straighten the duvet on their bed after they get up
- Unload the dishwasher (leaving things they cannot reach
on the countertop for you to do).
Chores for 8 – 9 year old:
All of the above and…
- Set the table and clear the table after meals
- Wash dishes
- Take the bin out on bin collection day and bring it back
in when it is empty - Take care of family pets (feed them, etc.)
- Make their bed and tidy their bedroom
- Light dusting.
For older children, you can start to add in more complicated tasks, such as cooking meals, and preparing breakfast. As children get a little older, it is easier to gauge their capabilities; and your patience!
To download the printable on this, do click on the circular image below.
If you like this article, do check out some of the other parenting tips and ideas that we have on the site:
Parenting thoughts on KiddyCharts
More thoughts and tips on parenting from us - we hope that you find these helpful.
How to be an active listener for your kids: Includes checklist
How to help you to become a more active listener to your kids, and so improve your relationship with them.
Printable chore charts: 4 tips for starting chores at any age
Ideas for helping with chore charts, and using them at any age. We've got a few chore charts on the site of course.
How to help your kids mental health and wellbeing #31DaysOfLearning
We love these exercises for you to do with your kids to help their wellbeing. Why not try them out?
How to help your kids face their fears
This is a wonderful printable from the lovely Becky Goddard-Hill to help kids to learn to deal with their fears.
If you are looking for other site’s ideas on chores, do have a peruse of these resources on other sites:
Chore resources from the web
More resources from the internet focused on helping parents with setting and managing chores from an early age.
Starter’s Guide to Toddler Chores
ideas on how to start doing chores with your toddler.
10 Tween Chores Your Middle Schooler Needs to Survive
Thoughts on chores with slightly older children - tweens - and how to survive managing them as a parent.
Teaching Currency and Maths Using A Chore Chart
Finally, a chore chart with real money that helps to teach your kids Maths as well as doing the household chores. We think this is an excellent idea.
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