Why should doing something like a girl be an insult? #likeagirl
Sometimes you see a video and you have to share it, no reason, no payment changes hands, you just see something and it touches you and makes you realise that …
Sometimes you see a video and you have to share it, no reason, no payment changes hands, you just see something and it touches you and makes you realise that …
Not only are our children faced with peer pressure but so are we as parents. It seems to start from when we have a baby: Are they sleeping through …
Despite the fact my daughter is now two and a half, there are often moments when I still feel like I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. Two and …
Recently my daughter’s best friend left school. I thought it might be a really difficult time for her and yes it has had it’s moments but it was worse …
Do you, like me, sometimes feel all you say is NO? There are some days when I feel I have said no all day long. ‘No you can’t do …
I have been asked by the Girl Talk Magazine to talk about something that is very, very close to my heart… The aspirations and worries of younger girls, aged 7 …
You may have noticed that Chatterbox, my eldest, can be a little bit of an anxious child. Night-time seems to be when her worries come out the most; it’s when …
We are starting a brand new series today on the blog; Dadvice. Yeah, I know, I didn’t know what to call it, but thought that sounded nice and helpful. Really, …
Beckie Whitehouse is not only a parenting coach, but she also has three kids of her own and so she knows a thing or two about peer pressure. From the …
The idea of dating as a single parent might be a little daunting. How do you know if you’re ready? And if you are ready, where do you start? Here …